Your Seven Energy Centers
A Holistic Approach to Physical, Emotional and Spiritual Vitality
by Elizabeth Clare Prophet
and Patricia R. Spadaro
“Marries ancient healing wisdom with practical spiritual insights to help you create your own dynamic and uniquely personal healing journey. Your 21st-century guide to integrating and healing body, mind and soul.”
—Ann Louise Gittleman, New York Times bestselling author of more than 30 books on health and nutrition
There’s more to you than meets the eye. Your Seven Energy Centers contains powerful insights and tools for wholeness based on the science of the body’s subtle energy system. It draws from the wisdom of the world’s spiritual traditions to explore each of the seven energy centers, or chakras, and how you can nurture your soul through seven stages of personal growth.
4 x 6 • 102/152mm • 234 PP • $8.95 • ISBN 978-0-922729-56-2
Rights Sold
Danish, Dutch, Finnish, French, German, Hindi, Icelandic, Polish, Portuguese(Brazil), Russian, Spanish.
English Reprint: Indian subcontinent.