Lords of the Seven Rays
Seven Masters: Their Past Lives and Keys to Our Future
by mark l. prophet • Elizabeth Clare Prophet
Lords of the Seven Rays tells the stories of seven masters who reached for and accomplished the goal of self-transcendence on each of the seven paths, or ‘rays’, of spiritual growth. The seven rainbow rays of spiritual light correspond to the seven major energy centers, or chakras, in the body. Each ray has a unique color frequency and quality, and each one represents a different path to self-mastery. In this profound and meaningful work, you will enter vignettes of the lives of these seven masters—some taken from forgotten ages on legendary continents and civilizations. By exploring their unique paths to spiritual mastery, you will find invaluable keys for your own life’s journey.
6 X 9 • 152/229mm • 424 PP • $19.95 • ISBN 978-1-60988-289-1
Rights Sold
Danish, Dutch, French, Portuguese, Spanish.